The real crime on top of the Democrats embezzlement and outright theft of American’s tax dollars going to their pals and projects, is how much destruction and devastation the country has suffered because of the plethora of things which genuinely needed attention went unfunded. Things like rebuilding our energy grid, securing our border, rebuilding bridges and roads, to name just a few of a long, long list ignored, that made our country a much more dangerous place than it needed to be. While the Democrats raided our Treasury tossing out money and pocketing it for whatever their dark hearts desired, the country has been falling into ruin.

The consequences of the incomprehensible level of theft and embezzlement that is coming to light is on them, and whoever took part in it. The tragedy of the fires in California are a microcosm of what has happened to the country as a whole. California’s corrupt government wasted billions on fantastical schemes and insane policies, and pocketing much of it, that only made politicians and their pals richer, and ignored the real and more pressing needs of their state, and the result has been horrific.

It will require something of the magnitude of a Marshall plan endeavor to begin to repair in every state in the country the vast damage their malfeasance and corruption has wreaked upon us.

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Oh, this must end all right. And all involved need to face accountability (that is, prison time).

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