Obama, and now continuing with his trusty sidekick and acolytes in the WhiteHouse, has done more to disrupt the peace and order of the world than almost anyone in history. He is a mad man. And he is evil.

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Well done. Chilling and infuriating, but well done. What’s most striking is that B. Hussein had the willing complicity of major institutions - the IC, Media, the permanent bureaucracy, and most of the Democrat Party. So nice to know that so many in DC were willing participants in the undoing of the USA and Western Civ.

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Anyone following the recent news story and new findings about Obamas sous chefs drowning? This article is totally believable. I too believe Obama this is Obamas “third term” and he hates America and Israel but I do not know why. Do you think the truth will ever get its ugly head above water?

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